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City Map with Braille

Road Trip USA


Introduction - Task - Process - Resources - Evaluation - Conclusion 


Come on! Let's go! 

We're traveling around the United States, and you get to decide where you want to go.  There are lots of things to do and see. . . . so get started.



Starting from your home. . .  you will plan a road trip throughout the United States visiting FIVE destinations.  Go see the Statue of Liberty, visit a National Park, or go ride some roller coasters!


 You will need to complete the following:    


  1. Plot your route on the  USA Map   or   Google USA Map

  2. ​Complete a  Word Trip Sheet for each destination  Google Trip Sheet

  3. ​Complete a  Word Fact Sheet about each of the states you visit  Google Fact Sheet

You may print these out if you prefer or you may want to create a folder on the one drive to keep all of your files until your trip is complete.  If you have files, we will save to a flash drive.  Do NOT SEND to Ms. Hunt.

You will need five fact sheets, five trip sheets, and one USA map




  1. You many not eat at any restaurant more than once and only one time each day are you permitted to eat at fast food/convenience/chain stores.

  2. At each destination you are required to stay three nights at a hotel, motel, suite, cottage, or bed and breakfast (no relatives or in your vehicle)

  3. You may fly only one time during your trip. *The ONLY exception is Hawaii-You may fly to Hawaii and back to the continental United States

  4. You may only have ONE all-inclusive destination--cruise or hunting trip that you do not have access to outside meals/events



Process & Resources

1.  Chose your destinations and complete a Fact Sheet for each one.  (do not visit the same state twice)


50 States

States' Home Pages

Info Please

Awesome America State Facts

Interactive Map

Each State's Home Page

State Governors

State Songs

State Stone/Rock/Gem

Largest Industry in each state

More Facts

State Animal 

Sports Teams

Famous People

Even MORE Facts!



2.  Choose an attraction or destination in each region to visit.  Research the dates, times, and cost/fees for 

AT LEAST THREE NIGHTS.  (per destination)


Plan Your Road Trip

Discover America

Roadside America Maps

USA Facts

MSN Road Trip

Find something to do?

Online City Guide

USA Today City Guide

CNN Travel

America's Top Ten

USA's Best Water Parks

City Search


**Remember to include the include any fees included in visiting the destination to your calculations**


3.   Calculate the number of miles for each segment of your trip, and list the states that you will drive through. 

 Do NOT PRINT driving directions:

  1. From your home to destination #1

  2. From destination #1 to destination #2

  3. From destination #2 to destination #3

  4. From destination #3 to destination #4

  5. From destination #4 to destination #5

  6. From destination #5 to home

    • Do not plot all destinations from your home


Google is easy to use, type in "driving directions"  then type both cities and Google will map a route for you. . . or use:

Map Quest

Map Blast

Rand McNally

Yahoo Driving Directions

Calculate How Far (if you are flying)


  4.  Complete your trip sheet

Hotels where you plan to stay you are required to have a minimum stay of three days per destination.








Yahoo Travel



Places you plan to dine:  YOU MAY NOT EAT  fast food , convenience store, chain store/restaurant, or continental breakfast more than one time day.

  1. You may ONLY eat each place ONE time the entire trip.  

    • Example:  If you eat at McDonald's one time you may not eat at McDonald's again during your entire trip

  2. Please use the following links to help you find good places to eat:

    • Yelp  (best and easiest to use)

    • Road Food

    • From TV  if you've seen it on television find it here!

  3. Current gas prices for each state


To calculate cost of gasoline:

Total Miles ÷ Miles Per Gallon = Gallons Needed

Gallons Needed * Cost Per Gallon  = Cost of Gasoline


Calculate the cost for each portion of your journey. What you plan to see and do during your stay at each destination.  



5.  Map of the United States:

  1. Label all 50 states with their two-letter abbreviations

  2. Label the cities you will be visiting

  3. Draw lines to connect the places you will be visiting

  4. Label each line with the number of  miles between each destination

  5. Include a title and key on your map

  6. Calculate the total miles and total cost of the trip

  7. On the reverse side of your map. . . tell me what you liked, or didn't like,  about the project.


More Resources :

Fodor's Travel Guide

The Travel Channel

Virtual Tourist

Travel Math

CDC Travel Alerts


You will be evaluated by your teacher on your state projects with this checklist.


  Student Name:  


Completed state fact sheets

5 sheets x 10 points @ 

Completed pages of the travel log

5 pages x 10 points @ 

Completed map (labeled with state, and all destinations with miles between)

25 points 

Extra Credit (only two)

extra states x 10 points @


Total =        /125



Whew. . . welcome home!


How was your trip?  Did you learn a lot?   Which part of your trip was the most expensive or least expensive?  How long did the entire journey take?  What state had the lowest gasoline prices? 


Now that you have learned the skills to plan your own vacations, I hope you never stop discovering new places.



 Star, Linda. Tour the USA. 2003. Education World.  1 Jul 2004.

 Updated 4/18/2019

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